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Diane Cupp

Lives in Glendale, Arizona United States ·
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Diane Cupp
every day!
Diane Cupp
good morning all, yea!! school starts tomorrow AND she is actually ready to go back. 7th grader, thinking about what she will do with High School already...
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Deb Logan Nixon
Ours doesn't start until the 24th. Sophomore son here!
Diane Cupp
I dread the high school days..thankfully I have a couple of yrs to prep myself.
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Diane Cupp
thank you Amanda, romantic speculation aside. I do love a good history lesson.
Diane Cupp
because of the pierced heart, if you were thinking like they could possibly have back then. or maybe the original Logan had married 3 times and all 3 didn't survive...just speculation of course..
Diane Cupp
logan is a heartbreaker
Diane Cupp
good morning all, great retirement party for my BIL, 29 yrs on the with PD. and yes the desserts were a hit.
Marilyn Sloper
Happy to hear that all of your hard work baking paid off! Sounds like you truly outdid yourself, but then, that is what love does. We always try to go far beyond the 2nd, 3rd or even the 4th mile for the people in our lives whom we love. Sounds like you did great!!!
Diane Cupp
Glendale, AZ
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Judson Walker Greene
sorry, it's been a long day and it's not over.....
Helen M Lamberton
Saw this quote on a friends Fb page. He had good news the next day. Hope you do to. Good Luck!
Diane Cupp
hope nothing to stressful
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See 1 more posts from Judson
Diane Cupp
good morning all, hope everyone is doing well.
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Judson Walker Greene
just a wee bit after the noonday sun ... perhaps i could have a glass of white wine with my chicken salad sandwich ..... oh CRAP !!!! i can't i'mm still at work....
Judson Walker Greene
Dawna, you were just on Scotster, huh? i popped back and saw u were on......
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Diane Cupp
hello to all, busy day baking. miniature desserts for BIL retirement. carrot cake, brownie bites with coconut frosting, vanilla cupcakes with buttercream, pecan pie bites, and cheesecake bites...that ...
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Diane Cupp
sorry I don't do the sugar free stuff, tomorrow is a baby shower cake for Saturday. red velvet cake for the mommy (centerpiece cake), blue cupcakes for the rest
Deb Logan Nixon
Yummmmm to all of it!
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