Clan Walkinshaw
The name Walkinshaw, or Walkingshaw, is of territorial origin coming from the lands of Walkinshaw in Renfrewshire.
Duugallus filius Cristini, judex de Levenax who, sometime around 1235, made an exchange of his lands of Cnoc for the lands of Walkeinschaw, is who the Walkinshaws of that Ilk are descended from.
The armorial supporters of the Walkinshaws, "two foresters in long gowns", comes from the fact that the family held the heredity position of foresters for the barony of Renfrew for the High Stewards of Scotland.
In 1551, Robert Walkyngschaw was recorded in Glasgow as a witness to a charter, and there is also record, from 1562, of sasine to Constantine Walkinschaw.
An Adam Walkinschaw was recorded in the parish of Fogo, in Berwickshire, in 1679, and a Clementina Maria Walkinshaw (1720-1802), from a Jacobite family in Lanarkshire, was the mistress of the Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart, but forced herself to leave because he reportedly abused her physically. They had a daughter together, Charlotte Stuart, born 29th October 1753 and died of liver cancer in Bologna on 17th November, 1789, aged 36.
Other recorded variations of the surname Walkinshaw include Wakensha, Wakinshaw, Wakynschaw, and Walkingschawe.