Clan Wardlaw
Wall Comment: #607
Once I find the correct coat of arms or anything related to it .I think I get my second tattoo
- October 8, 2015 3:13 am
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Tartan Footprint
Phillip in Scotland a coat of arms belongs to an individual and not a family. The misuse of arms is governed by the Lord Lyon and people can be prosecuted. We have a significant section on Heraldry on ScotClans: http://www.scotclans.com/tracing-your-scottish-anc...
- October 8, 2015
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Tartan Footprint
also this: http://www.scotclans.com/tracing-your-scottish-anc...
- October 8, 2015
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Phillip Craig Wardlaw
Thank you. Who do I contact
- October 8, 2015
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Phillip Craig Wardlaw
I'll look into the crest more thank you
- October 8, 2015
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